Monday, 20 May 2013

Promotional Blogs

So during this month I have a few dates to keep you up-dated on:

The following promotional blogs are still to come:

24th May: One Bad Day by Edie Hart (Hopefully - still to confirm)

30th May: The Perfect Crime by Peter Hindley and Susan Goodsell

3rd June: To Catch A Spirit by Carrie Pulkinen

3rd June: Heart In Exile by Mysti Parker

7th June: Return to Zire by J.S. Council

I am also looking at releasing a short Christmas Story, and will be looking at publishers that are available for submissions and fingers crossed a publisher will like the book I am currently working on.

I will keep you all up-dated on my submissions and progress through out the year 


  1. Good luck with your promo. blogs - and your upcoming book! Cheers.

    1. Hello Ann.

      Thank you very much for leaving a comment and stopping by.

      From Alaine Batty

  2. Good luck to you on your upcoming book! May you have much success with your writing career and your blog!

    1. Thank you, Lisa

      Please feel free to follow my blog and I will keep you all up-dated.

      Thank you.
