Title: The Perfect Crime: A Story Of Truth Or Fantasy
Author: Peter
Hindley & Susan Goodsell
Non-Fiction, True Crime, Political
Publisher: 5
Prince Books
Formats Available In:
All eBook formats
Release Date: May
30, 2013
Digital: ISBN 13:978-1-939217-64-6 ISBN 10:1-939217-64-4
Print: ISBN 13:978-1-939217-63-9
ISBN 10:1-939217-63-6
Purchase Link: http://www.5princebooks.com/buy.html
(Available May 30)
Blurb: Events
have accurately been recorded since the time of Alan’s death; they combine to
reveal an intriguing story. Did he die naturally or was he helped in some way?
Has a crime or two taken place? Some may think so. Maybe there is a conspiracy;
if so how far it may extend is unclear. Nothing is quite as it should be.
This unique book evolves from a simple account to a vast
scandalous exposé, a true and topical account showing a fascinating view of
human nature, society, and the establishment in the United Kingdom. Many
questions are posed for the reader and evidence is laid bare as you take a
journey of discovery.
The story and writing style changes drastically as the
twists and turns in the narrative expose themselves; ultimately it reaches a
logical end, but that is not the end of the story. A sequel is already
We have accurately
recorded the events near the time of Alan Hindley’s death, who was a brother to
Peter and father of Susan, the two authors of this account, and what followed;
they combine to reveal an intriguing story. Did he die naturally or was he
helped in some way? Has a crime or two taken place? Some may think so.
Maybe there is a conspiracy; my lawyer certainly thought so; how far that
conspiracy extends is unclear. We are certain that nothing is quite as it
should be. Nevertheless this account shows a fascinating view of human nature,
English society and the workings of the establishment in the United Kingdom.
The story is so bizarre that it could well be fiction, and that is why I have
added "A story of truth or fantasy" to the title. What is frightening
is that it is all absolutely true.
The normal
formalities that follow a death were not adhered to after Alan’s demise: Why
the mandatory procedures were bypassed may not be evident, but during the
course of our nine year account they certainly do become evident.
Why did his wife act
as she did and who aided her? These and so many other questions will become
In this case what is
certain now is that the will and wishes of the deceased, Alan Edward Hindley of
Paignton, Devon, has not been adhered to and the UK law and establishment did
nothing to aid its rectification: The laws relating to Wills are fatally flawed
and the government is fully aware of that. As named executors we have been
denied the right to execute his wishes. You may think this is not possible, but
it is, and it has proved to be absolutely legal.
His wife, Wendy,
acted as sole executor of her husband’s Last Will and Testament without the
other two named executors and we reveal how simple it is to do just that. Why
she felt this was necessary will ultimately be disclosed. You will learn how
the solemn duty of executing a will can be mal administered in a totally legal
way and without fear of retribution.
We have experienced
many twists and turns along our path of discovery and these have been reflected
in both the different styles and structure of the book. Our journey has taken
us to numerous office doors and has led us into the heart of the halls of
government, where events have made it very apparent that what we were
witnessing was true injustice and unchecked corruption within the United
Kingdom. It is for this reason that we felt it necessary to pen our story, to
be able to share our account with you and all our other readers, who have been
reading an abridged account on the Internet since May 2008; it is very much in
the public’s interest to be aware of what can go wrong and does go very wrong
We have been told
that Alan died in his home during the evening of 14th March 2002 in more than
one place, and all on the same night, the last time anything vaguely like this
happened was two thousand years ago (please forgive the last statement, it is
not meant to offend); but first a little background information about the
About Peter Hindley:
Peter Hindley is a coach to dance competitors and is a jury
member for international dance competitions. He left England in 2007 for a new
life in France and has been recording events since his brother’s unconventional
death in 2002.
About Susan Goodsell:
Susan Goodsell, co-author and Peter’s niece, lives in
England with her partner and their two now grown-up sons. She spent many years
in London before returning to Kent in 1997. The year her father died she began
teaching English in a secondary school; now after finishing work, she returns
home to begin another shift, as a detective and writer.
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